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Be Happy Now!

We want to conclude the year with an important message: Be Happy Now. Don’t wait!  I got the idea for this message from our pastor, who told us this week that this can be our best Christmas ever. The key is to be happy now, in the circumstances we are in. 

We often wait to be happy. We say things like: “if I get that dream job, I will be happy,” “if I get that dream home, I will be happy,” “If the kids get into their favorite college, I will be happy,” and the list goes on. But this never works in reality. Yes, our lives may be better with the things we dream of, but that rarely changes whether we are happy or not. We cannot wait to be happy. We need to be happy now, in the circumstance we are in.

Being happy now may not be easy, but if you think about it, it makes sense. Yes, most of us have experienced challenges this year. But isn’t going through challenges what makes us better, opens new opportunities, and ultimately contributes to our life satisfaction? If you have participated in or trained for an endurance event, you know that you have to go through pain to reap the rewards, whether that’s crossing the finish line, setting a personal best, or getting in the top 10 of your age group. 

A few years ago, I used to train for triathlons in the mornings before going to work. That meant that 2-3 times a week I would have swim practice at 5.30 AM. Think about waking up on a dark winter morning to go jump in a cold pool and swim for over an hour. I dreaded it every time the alarm went off. But after every single time, I was a happier person because it was challenging. 

The same lesson applies to life. Author and former athlete Nancy Colier says that dropping into our actual experience, whether it’s anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, whatever it is, is good for your happiness. Learn to be present, even when we don’t like the present.

So, here is my advice. Take some time off and stay away from your phone and the media for a while. Find a quiet place with a view and a cup of coffee, prosecco, wine, eggnog, or any other comforting drink. Then reflect on the year, and think of the way life has gone this year as a redirection, not a setback. Change your mindset to positively focus on appreciating where you are and where you will be going next. Before you know it, you’ll be out of the pool, and your day will be bright!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

Massi De Santis is an Austin, TX fee-only financial planner and founder of DESMO Wealth Advisors, LLC.  DESMO Wealth Advisors, LLC provides objective financial planning and investment management to help clients organize, grow, and protect their resources throughout their lives.  As a fee-only, fiduciary, and independent financial advisor, Massi De Santis is never paid a commission of any kind, and has a legal obligation to provide unbiased and trustworthy financial advice.